Trusted by Clients Worldwide
Global Leaders Now Working With Our Clients.


Ability to Cold Call
and turn an initial conversation with a prospect into a scheduled introductory call for our clients. if we can't get you meetings - then nothing else matters.

Years of Experience
Each of our team members have anywhere between 12-30 years of experience building pipelines through outbound marketing efforts. Cold calling "Experts who will fearlessly reach out to any executive with a high degree of professionalism

Work Ethic
Lead Generation is not easy and takes a determined, consistent daily effort. Like any challenge, hard work pays off and the rewards are worth it. Our reward is helping our clients find new customers.

How It Works

Step 1
Discovery Call
Schedule a Discovery Call where C-Level can learn more about your business. Here we can learn a bit more about your Value Proposition, Ideal Prospect, and Goals for Lead Generation. This information goes a long way to determine if C-Level might be a fit for you.
Step 2
Cold Call - But Differently
With your personalized strategy in hand, we only put our highly trained and perhaps "over-qualified" Lead Generation Professionals on the phone to book appointments for you.

Step 3
Booking High-Level Appointments for You
Our Sales Professionals schedule Introductory Calls with you that allows you to win potential multi-year, multi-million dollar agreements with organizations. This is done with our perfected Sales Cycle and Relationship Building process.

Lead Generation
It's an extremely time consuming and challenging task. Many salespeople do not have the experience, time or energy to do it right. We do, and we do it every day!

Appointment Setting
Whether cold-calling for sales, raising brand awareness, or getting a product in front of a Senior Level Executive - we do it all. We guarantee

We have tremendous success in revitalizing good prospects who "went cold" and getting them back on the calendar.

It’s been said that “The fortune is in the follow up”. We follow up with prospects with “professional persistence” that produces results in the form of scheduled introductory meetings for our clients.
What We Do
Schedule Direct Sales Opportunity Every Day...
This maximizes your exposure and increases your sales. Using our powerful database of current Corporate Executives, C-Level Contacts effectively targets, contacts, presents and schedules both phone and in person meetings with highly qualified decision makers. We do it all day…every day.

Powerful, Efficient, and Guaranteed Results
Get Started with C-Level Contacts Today
Founder is an ex-US Army paratrooper and has applied a tactical approach to Lead Generation
Highly-Experienced, Seasoned & Successful Sales and Marketing Professionals on the front lines
Potential multi-year, multi-million dollar engagements with global organizations on the horizon
Trusted by Clients Worldwide
Global Leaders Now Working With Our Clients.

How It Works

Step 1
Discovery Call
Schedule a Discovery Call where C0Level can learn more about your business. Here we can learn a bit more about your Value Proposition, Ideal Prospect, and Goals for Lead Generation. This information goes a long way to determine if C-Level might be a fit for you.
Step 2
Cold Call - But Differently
With your personalized strategy in hand, we only put our highly trained and perhaps "over-qualified" Lead Generation Professionals on the phone to book appointments for you.

Step 3
Booking High-Level Appointments for You
Our Sales Professionals schedule Introductory Calls with you that allows you to win potential multi-year, multi-million dollar agreements with organizations. This is done with our perfected Sales Cycle and Relationship Building process.